President's Updates

Contract Ratification Vote Dec. 20, 2022

TEA has bargained three tentative agreements that are going out to vote. There is also one MOU that has been signed. 

TEA Members~

TEA has bargained three tentative agreements that are going out to vote. There is also one MOU that has been signed. 

Each will be tallied and run as independent elections, They were signed on the same day so their elections will be held concurrently. They were also signed in November, but we were in process of two additional votes at that time. 

The following email has the Notice of Election, a summary that covers all agreements and copies of the agreements for the following: 
  • Tentative Agreement - Article 5 - Hours of Employment-Middle School Instructional Minutes
  • Tentative Agreement - Article 5 - Hours of Employment- Professional Responsibilities
  • Tentative Agreement - Article 7 - Leaves - Bereavement Leave
Voting will be held online beginning Monday, January 23, 2023, at 7:00 am, and end Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 4:00 pm.  Voting information will be sent to personal email addresses only. 

An all-membership meeting will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. at the TEA office: 4940 Irvine Blvd.; Suite 205, Irvine, 92620. This is for any questions you have regarding any portion of the attached agreements. 

All information will also be posted at each site. 

The MOU that continues the agreement of the 3rd-5th grade planning days has also been attached for you to view. There is additional language and this extends the agreement until the end of the 2023-2024 school year. 

If you have changed your personal email, please notify our office 714.505.6365 to update your contact information. 

To view in Google Docs: 

Notice of Election

Summery of Three Agreements

Tentative Agreement for Hours of Employment - Article 5 - Middle School Instructional Minutes

Tentative Agreement for Hours of Employment - Article 5 - Professional Responsibilities

Tentative Agreement for Leaves - Article 7 - Bereavement Leave

MOU for Hours of Employment - Article 5 (5.6.3) - 3rd-5th Planning Days

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4940 Irvine Blvd., Suite 205,
Irvine, CA 92620

Phone: (714) 505-6365
FAX: (714) 505-6370