Hi TEA - Happy Friday! Welp, you made it through one of the hardest days of teaching - the day after Halloween and now you have a full weekend....here are a few things before you start that weekend, so grab some of that leftover Halloween candy and read below:
Happy Thursday TEA - I have started visiting sites and it is always a joy to see you teaching in your classrooms. Each one is different, but each has heart and passion on full display and working for the best for the students in our district. I can't wait to make it to each site soon.
While it feels a little like we never left there is still the excitement about the start of the new school year. Stores stock shelves too soon, but then they offer all of these great discounts that some of us as teachers can't help but indulge. There is nothing like a new pack of Crayola crayons, or all new teacher pens, or even brand new folders with bright new tags. There is also nothing like all of our new students who are bright with promise and excited for the new school year. There is also nothing like a group of happy educators who are allowed to work with students and do what they do best on a daily basis. Thank you for all that you do daily. There is no easy job in education and each of you makes what you do look easy. I am so honored to get to work alongside and with each of you.
Almost there - Just about 40 more hours and...We Made It!!!!
This time of year always has me thinking about the impact that we each make daily. Sometimes it is as small as a kind comment, but daily you have made a difference in the lives of students in our community. We may never know the exact impact that each of us has, it’s like a ripple - we see the immediate, but not always how far it goes. The important part is that we have done this and each of us is responsible for the goodness that goes forward as our kids move forward or move on from this district.
As we lead into State Testing and the last six weeks of the school year - I always wish that it seemed as fast and as close as it is. Coming around and continuing to talk to members 1:1 has really been an amazing experience. Being able to be in your classrooms - steal ideas from what you have up. See you all in your own spaces. I feel like we are getting to know you better with each visit. Thank you for opening your doors and spaces to speak to us.
It has been so much fun getting out to meet and talk with members 1:1 at different sites. We are about halfway there with 554 conversations, but that still means we haven’t gotten out to everyone yet. We are determined to make it to every one of you by the end of the year. If we have not made it to you yet, we will!
There are so many items happening at once and there are so many items to update you all on. Some of you have already seen us out at sites trying to talk to members and really hear what you are thinking. Our Exec. Board goal is to make it to every site and talk to every member by the end of the year.
Happy Holidays TEA! It has been far too long since I last sent out anything. My apologies for not sending out more communications during the last six weeks. I would normally have said that there have been a lot of fires to attend to…but…I have learned my lesson and will no longer be saying that any issue is “something on fire” or a “dumpster fire” because in the last six weeks….there have literally been multiple fires, one which still encompasses much of what the district is dealing with.