- The Standard - We had enough people join The Standard so anyone who joined will not be asked any medical questions and will be receiving and welcome email stating the start dates of the plan (they will be retro back to the start of the campaign). YEAH!!! Great news and Great Coverage for everyone!

- Last and Final Ask - We have less than five days until the election ends. TEA has been working daily and has been out every weekend since September 7th (7 weeks) - this is our 8th and final weekend to work and get the board that is PRO public education and wants to work with teachers for the best of ALL of our students. So, ask not what your Union can do for you, but what you can do for your Union and more importantly for ALL students of TUSD. We have already done postcards and walked for miles, please join us for the last few miles left to go.
- Warm up for the Dino Dash - Come to the TEA office on Saturday at 10:00 am and get a walking area. - It's as easy as picking up a packet, that includes a map and flyers, walking around a neighborhood for an hour or two, and reporting back to TEA what you completed. You can sign up on our canvass sign up - or just text me that you might be coming (949.378.6723)
- TEA Office address 4940 Irvine, Blvd, Suite 205; Irvine, CA 92620
- After the Dino Dash - Come to the TEA office and do just like the above. The only difference is the time 10:30 or when you can make it. If you are able and willing, packets can be made and ready for you at the office when you are ready to get them.
- Tell everyone you know who lives in Tustin to vote - and while voting - vote for our choice for TUSD School Board. Descriptions and extras below to help with those conversations.
- Post the images below, or the images you may have from previous emails to social media and also remind people that when the teachers endorse, it's because we know what will be best for our students on a day to day basis.
- TUSD TA 1 - Allyson Muniz Damikolas - covering the following school areas: Estock, Columbus Tustin, Tustin High School, Utt, Hillview, ATP, Beswick, plus some home areas that feed into Nelson and Sycamore.
- TUSD TA 2 - Bill Pevehouse - Covering the following school areas: Arroyo, Red Hill, Loma Vista, Orchard Hills, Peters Canyon, Guin Foss, Foothill, Hewes
- TUSD TA 4 - Jonathan Stone: Covering Heideman, but his area feeds all TUSD High Schools and
- For Your Own Vote - Please Vote - no matter how or for whom, it is our voice and we each get a chance to to vote our choice. Make a plan and if you haven't already, please vote in the election.
- To find another school board outside of the our district but in our county. Please go to All OC Endorsed Candidates - it has all districts except for Newport Mesa
- For Newport Mesa
- Carol Crane - Area 4
- Leah Eursoylu - Area 1
- Chris Kretzu - Area 2
- To find other points you may also check out the CTA voter guides
The reality is that we all hold the future of what will happen in our district in our hands. While we work hard everyday it is also on us to make sure that where we work, which most importantly is where our students learn, is a positive, pro public education place that encourages learning and acceptance and continues to move forward in a positive way. I know how much each of you cares. I have witnessed the magic that you all do in your classrooms. Anyone who saw what I saw would know - it is because of you and your relationships with students that this district is strong.
Some have said that our endorsed candidates have been "bought by the Unions" or that they "are in the Unions pockets" - I wish we could make that a reality, you all would have 20% raises each year, endless PN days, smaller class sizes (I could go on for pages) but the real fact is that - they support public education and want to work with us to make this a great place to learn. They are open to working with us and they trust us as the professionals in the classroom. Let's continue to work together to continue to make this a better district.
Thank you for all that you do everyday - thank you for your membership. Have a great well deserved weekend and hopefully I will see you at the Dino Dash!
In Unity, Lisa Hickman President, Tustin Educators Association